Welcome to the Homepage of the Teacher Education Institute
Director General: dr. habil. Emese K. Nagy
Our Institute engages primarily in the coordination of the training of teachers at the University of Miskolc. This task links us mainly to the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. However, lately the growing importance of the training of music, geography, medical, economics and engineering teachers has strengthened our connections to other Faculties of the University as well. An important component of our teaching activities is the basic-level training of pedagogy students along with the advanced training of professional teachers. We place a strong emphasis on the training of professionals for the North-Eastern region of Hungary, struggling with deep social and economic challenges, who will be able to tackle problems related to poverty and ethnic conflicts and who can respond creatively to these challenges. Therefore we believe that it is vital to improve our students’ awareness of social issues and to familiarize them with practice-oriented, up-to-date programs like the Complex Instruction Program (Cohen-Lotan 2014; K. Nagy 2015). We teach our students how to apply these programs and help them develop a general social competence.
Our research and development program also has strong and diverse ties to our region. We have established partnerships with several educational institutions located in our city and county. We offer the full support of the devoted professionals working at our Institute to the schools, boarding schools, and other educational institutions seeking to find their own way.
BA in Special Education
Who do we recommend this program?
We recommend our latest BA major to those who are open to tackle everyday ordinary problems and are interested in giving an expert helping hand to those who are handicapped, challenged and have special needs.
We are welcoming all those:
who are willing to respond to challenges by applying the most up-to-date theoretical, methodological and practical knowledge through practical skills in order to become an effective help for those who are mentally challenged, live either with learning disabilities or emotional and personality disorders, or simply are facing psychic problems or whose personality-development is considered atypical.
At the Faculty of Arts at the University of Miskolc in September, 2019 studies in Special Education were introduced to answer the demand for 21st century educational and pedagogical principles such as the need to apply blended learning-methods to support a versatile, quality education. Our goal is to encourage studying for theoretical knowledge and to put the emphasis on obtaining professional-level practical skills at the same time. By encouraging an interdisciplinary-attitude we apply the basics of the corresponding curricula of other scholarly sciences like health-sciences, biology and technical engineering – with special focus on computer sciences, bionics and animal-assisted therapeutics.
Our Staff
Director-general: dr. habil. Emese K. Nagy PhD, associate professor
Institute secretary: Szenczi, Denisa
Department of Pedagogy
Head of department: Simon, Zoltán PhD, associate professor
Bodor, Péter Sándor PhD, professor
Borgos, Anna PhD
Gácsi, Mária PhD, associate professor
Járai, Róbert PhD, assistant professor
Kapusi, Angéla PhD, assistant professor
Kelemen, Judit PhD, associate professor
Kiss, Brigitta PhD, assistant professor
Kovácsné Duró, Andrea PhD, associate professor
Lubinszki, Mária PhD, associate professor
Molnár, Balázs PhD, associate professor
Palfi, Dorina PhD, assistant professor
Vassné Figula, Erika Éva PhD, professor